It has been a good growing season so far for the 10 hectare, Roman Road, 2014 plantation, which will have its first harvest this October. The cool spring weather meant a slow start, but we were pleased to see a successful flowering and good bunch numbers developing. It is difficult to estimate yields, but we are hopeful for a healthy and perfectly formed crop! Watch this space for more updates as we approach the harvest!
The 2016 plantation at South Barham benefitted greatly from the high rainfall levels at the end of May and early June, which compacted the soil around the young vines and gave them excellent water reserves to tap into as they became established. The trellising system is now in place and the young vines have been trained up the bamboo and have rabbit guards protecting them from the prolific local population!
Finally the wheat has just been harvested on the final 10ha parcel of Simpsons Wine Estate land at South Barham that will be planted in May 2017. This land will be prepared over the winter and will complete our plantation goal of 30 hectares of vineyards.